HeadsUp OpenGL Extension Wrangling

I have dealt with OpenGL extensions in a previous library I did in C#.  I can tell you, it’s rather a pain.  First of all, there are so many ‘extensions’, it can make your head spin just thinking about it.  Second, with static languages, you have to create all these various wrapper type things to get things to work correctly.  Create a delegate thing, a declaration thing, the glue code to tie the delegate to the declaration…

So, I figured with LuaJIT and LuaJIT ffi in particular, I might be able to make an easier time of it.  There is one unavoidable part though.  You have to have the prototypes of your functions somewhere.  I’ll start with the simplest one:

// WGL_ARB_extensions_string 1  
const char *  wglGetExtensionsStringARB (HDC hdc); 

The function: wglGetExtensionsStringARB(), if called, you can get the list of wglExtensions that your currenct gl driver supports. This isn’t a normal function in a library. My first inclination might be to simply do:

wglGetExtensionsStringARB (HDC hdc); 

gl = ffi.load("opengl32")
local extensions = gl.wglGetExtensionsStringARB(hdc);

But, you can’t do that. This function isn’t necessarily located within the opengl32.dll library at all. In order to find out where it actually is, you have to call another function: wglGetProcAddress(), which is actually in the library. So, in order to string this together, you have to do the following:

gl = ffi.load("opengl32")
local funcptr = gl.wglGetProcAddress("wglGetExtensionsStringARB")
local castfunc = ffi.cast("PFNWGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGARBPROC", funcptr);

local extensions = castfunc(hdc);

That’s a handful, but it’s not too bad. First, get the address of the extension function you’re looking for (wglGetProcAddress). Then, cast it to a function prototype so that when you try to call it, LuaJIT knows about the parameter types and can do the marshaling for your automatically. Then, call the function.

But, I want this to be as easy as possible, and being the error prone programmer that I am, I want it to be automated as well, because I’m not good at typing a whole bunch of repetitive stuff correctly.

OK, so how to do this? First of all, I downloaded the wglext.h and glext.h files from the Khronos site: http://www.opengl.org/registry/
You can get the .spec files, and start parsing from there, or you can download the already made .h files. You can also get these from various vendors, or the GLEW library. I just started from the Khronos ones.

I performed some hand massaging on the .h files, to come up with things like all the constants pulled out from the #defines, and generally made the thing look like a lua file: wglext.lua. Within this files, you see all the function prototypes, wrapped up in a ffi.cdef[[]] thing, as seen above.

A thing to note about the function prototypes. For each function, there is a prototype, and a typedef. I actually only use the typedef, but the prototype is there as well for completeness. By a stroke of luck, or more likely design, the typedefs are created in a consistent way, that is an easy modification of the function name. So, in the case of wglGetExtensionsStringARB, the typedef name, which is the part I’m interested in, looks like:


If I were to represent this transformation as a simple function, it would be:

function GetFunctionProtoName(fname)
    return string.format("PFN%sPROC", fname:upper());

That’s good. So, now, when I wanto to go from the name of a function, to the name of the typedef that represents that function, I can simply do this:


That’s grand. Now, tying this piece to the lookup piece, I might have two more functions:

function GetWglFunctionPointer(fname, funcptr)
    local protoname = GetFunctionProtoName(fname);
    local castfunc = ffi.cast(protoname, funcptr);

    return castfunc;

function GetWglFunction(fname)
    local funcptr = opengl32.wglGetProcAddress(fname);
    if funcptr == nil then
        return nil

    local castfunc = GetWglFunctionPointer(fname, funcptr);

    return castfunc;

And how to use this?

wglGetExtensionsStringARB = GetWglFunction ("wglGetExtensionsStringARB");

local exts = wglGetExtensionsStringARB(hdc);

Isn’t that spiffy? I don’t think it gets much easier than that. So, for the extensions you care about, just repeat the line that has “GetWglFunction”, and you’re done…

But wait, that’s still a lot of error prone copy/paste typing isn’t it? Can’t Lua enable my laziness even more? Well, sure it can. How about we create a simple interface to deal with all this nonsense for us?

OglMan_mt = {
    __index = function(tbl, key)
        local funcptr = GetWglFunction(key)
        rawset(tbl, key, funcptr)
        return funcptr;

setmetatable(OglMan, OglMan_mt)

Ah… now I can do the following:

local getextensions = OglMan.wglGetExtensionsStringARB
if getextensions  ~= nil then
  local exts = getextensions(hdc);

Or, if I’m feeling particularly daring, I can simply do this:


Pick your level of error checking.

Why does this work? Well, the OglMan table has a meta table (OglMan_mt). That metatable defines a function ‘__index’. Through the magic of Lua, this function is called whenever you try to lookup something in the table, and it doesn’t already exist. So, when I do this:
OglMan.wglGetExtensionsStringARB, my __index function is called, and the runtime hands me the name of the thing that was being looked up. In normal circumstances, a nil value would be returned, but since I’ve already created those functions that can go from a string to a cast function pointer, I can use that first. If it fails, then I can simply return nil as usual. If it succeeds, I can return a function “pointer” that’s already cast in the appropriate way, ready to be used.

I think that’s pretty spiff.

In conclusion, after doing a bit of grunt work on those header files, it’s less than 100 lines of code to make all OpenGL extensions fully available to the Lua programmer. Of course, this works because of the ease of LuaJIT, and the __index trick of Lua in general. But, I’ve very pleased with this outcome. I don’t have to take a dependency on GLEW or any other extensions wrangler. I just need to do the initial .h file wrangling, and then go on about my business as usual.

As an added bonus, it turns out that sometimes it’s better to use this trick on functions that are actually in the OpenGL32.dll as well. The ones that are in the .dll might have bugs, that Microsoft doesn’t bother to fix. The ones that can be found using the lookup come from the vendor of the graphics card, and they have more of a vested interest in ensuring they work correctly. Just saying.

One Comment on “HeadsUp OpenGL Extension Wrangling”

  1. […] If you do enough interop work, you’ll eventually run across a VTable that you’re going to have to work with.  I have previously dealt with OpenGL, which doesn’t strictly have a vtable, but has a bunch of functions which you have to lookup in order to use.  In explored the topic in this article: HeadsUp OpenGL Extension Wrangling […]

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