
Personal prototyping and manufacturing is becoming an increasingly important and viable part of our consumption model.  These pages document some of my own explorations into the subject of trying to create things on my own.

10 Comments on “About”

  1. Craig Zupke says:


    Thanks for showing us your digs on Saturday. I hope you can come to one of our Maker Meetups. Our next one is December 10 (http://www.makeseattle.net/events/41765222/?eventId=41765222&action=detail). Either way I’ll try to remember to let others know of your activities.


  2. Andy Ide says:

    Hi William,

    The code to make your tags nice and good looking is something like:

    (in your css file)

    code {
    margin: 20px;
    padding: 20px;
    background: #eee; // light grey
    border:1px solid #444; // darkgrey

    I write the blog www.3dfuture.com.au and I would love to ask you some questions about OpenScad. Please email me if this interests you.


  3. Hey William, I’m working on something you might find fascinating. I can’t find your email. Can you send me a message?

  4. Serment says:

    Could you help me to make Archimedians Polyhedrons connectors with your vertex connectors maker on openscad? I m a teacher and i will use my 3D printer to make those Polyhedrons connectors but i don t know How to make.

    • How can I help? Thingiverse has quite a few polyhedron shapes. For achimedian solids, you have to figure out the various vertices they need and then configure each one in OpenScad. An alternative would be to use flexible tubing vertices, which are more flexible.

  5. Rob Antonio says:

    Hi William,
    I am trying to contact you but cannot find your email. While 3D printing is interesting, I’d like to catch up and chat when you have a chance. Reply when you have a chance.
    UCB 1986

  6. Olivier says:

    Hi William,
    I stumbled upon your blog while searching openscad related topics a few weeks ago, and have been reading a good portion of your blog. Very interesting on a lot of subjects. I would like to chat with you if that is possible, could you send me your e-mail?

  7. smb says:

    hi adam,
    I am trying to develop an application using LEAP and java.I have created the 3d models for the application in 3D Studio Max could u please help me with this issue soon.Please..

  8. Hey William,
    Hope you remember me. I was one member of the LEAP program. I have my own blog too : sandeepmathew.wordpress.com. Keep in touch!.

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